Permanent Makeup

Powder brow tattoo

Powder brow is a gentler version of microblading. This shading technique fills in thin brows with dots rather than natural hair strokes, which is safer for sensitive, mature or oily skin. It creates a denser, thicker brow, using dots of pigment instead of strokes, and the results resemble perfectly- applied eyebrow powder. The small, pin-point dots in shading are much less aggressive on the skin. You will also have the option to add an ‘‘Ombre effect”. Powder brows can last up to three years with proper maintenance; yearly touch-ups are recommended to lengthen results. Consultation is required.

The price for Powder brows is $600 (6 week touch up included).

Combo brows

Combo brows is a combination of two forms of semi-permanent techniques : Nano brows and Powder brows. Nano hair strokes are placed at the head of the brow to give the the brow a natural look while also adding shading for density. This method is perfect for all skin types and can last much longer than Microblading. Combo brows are great for those who have little to no brow hairs and would like a natural fuller look. This technique is perfect to help even out the brows making them as symmetrical as possible. This method can last for one to three years with proper maintenance; yearly touch-ups are recommended to lengthen results. Consultation is required.

The price for Combo Brow is $675 (6 week touch up included).

Lip blush tattoo

Lip Blush is a modern permanent cosmetic treatment, to give the effect of a tinted lip balm when healed. Lip blush treatment enhances the natural shape of your lips, giving them that boost, symmetry and color. Pigments are available in all different shades to match all the lip colors to provide a subtle color that enhances the natural lip color, lip scars could also be camouflaged. For darker lips, you will need neutralization. Lip neutralization is a specialized treatment for those with cool, or dark-toned, lips. It is a procedure often performed on clients with darker skin tones or those whose lips have darkened over time due to weather conditions, hyperpigmentation, or underlying medical issues. This procedure involves tattooing neutralizing inks / pigments into the lip area to balance darker tones and enhance the natural lip color, shape, and symmetry. The treatment creates a subtle, rather than saturated, effect to ensure natural-looking results. Multiple sessions highly recommended. If you are prone to cold sores, you must take anti virals 5 days prior and 5 days after your tattoo session to prevent an outbreak. This can be obtained through your physician.

The price for lip blush is $600 (6 week touch up included).

The price for lip neutralization is $675 (6 week touch up included).

Eyeliner tattoo

Eyeliner is a modern permanent cosmetic treatment, to give the effect of a eyeliner pencil. Eyeliner tattoo procedures enhance the natural shape of your eyes, giving them that boost, symmetry and color. Pigments are available in only a warm black. Eyeliner can be as thin or as thick as you’d like, However, I don’t do any work that is unrealistic. When booking eyeliner, you must not use any lash serums for 4 weeks prior to your appointment or wear any lash extensions or contact lenses the day of your appointment.

The price for eyeliner tattoo is $600 (6 week touch up included).